
Violin O. CECI - 2019 mod. Guadagnini [SOLD]

This violin is the result of a challenge.
It was commissioned to me by a dear friend, a free lance musician working mainly in North Italy, who chose the wood himself. We have been discussing the model for years and in the end we chose to start from this instrument by M. G.B. Guadagnini of 1758, Cremonese period. The original is quite long, the two halves are rather asymmetrical so I chose to use only one half to obtain the shape.
I customized the ff holes according to my personal taste.
The scroll is inspired by a “F. Garimberti " that I had from previous studies and that I liked a lot compared to the original.
I wanted a large and elegant model and it seemed to me that this was particularly suitable.
The color is intense orange inspired by the original. It is not common to find Guadagnini of this color, probably influenced by the Cremonese environment.
The sound is direct and powerful. IV and V string very present.
Built in Amsterdam between 2019 and 2020.
